Mixed light, mirror reflection, shades of red, long exposure... Fragrance of a torn tulip
Tatiana Litova
Photographer, philologist, editor, museum specialist, teacher of fine arts. Solo exhibitions: "Plasma" (2019), "Waterline" (2020, 2022). Awards: Russian IPA-2018 (1st and 2nd places); FAPA-5 (nominee); BIFA-2019 (bronze); 12 and 13 Color Awards (nominee); IOAF-2021, etc. Publications in international photojournals (Iconic Artist, PhotoVogue, Sguardo Art, 6X Portrait, F-Stop Magazine, etc.) and photobooks (5 Photobiennales of Contemporary Photography. Almanac. Issue 347. SPb., 2018; Le immagini che amo / Angelo Zzaven. Edizioni Miartè Catania, 2021), etc. In 2018-2022 -... |