Title:Jaguar in the water
This goto was made in the Serra do Amolar region, which is a rock formation located between Brazil and Bolivia, a region rich in water, a beautiful ecological sanctuary. We were in a small canoe, in the middle of a lake formed by the Paraguay River, when we saw a jaguar swimming towards us. It came close, about 10 meters from us, and we took the opportunity to take pictures. An indescribable emotion. Being close to a wild and strong animal like this, the biggest cat in the Americas, is pure adrenaline. At this moment, our animal side manifests itself. I remembered our primitive ancestors. This emotion, this strength and beauty of nature that we are part of and forget about, is what I try to show in photographs, trying to awaken the animal side. Those who see, and thus, know, return to respecting our mother Earth.
Antenor Leonello