Title:the sunset one
Il primo giorno di libertà dalla pandemia sono andata al mare, c'era solo un'altra persona oltre me, ci siamo salutati come se fossimo amici sopravvissuti.NON AVEVO MAI VISTO UN CIELO COSì BELLO1
She was born in Tuscany, lives in Milan. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, where she began training in photography and graphics. He won the first prize for a poster on peace: "UNESCO twice 20 years" - Photo / Graphic-Paris 1986. It was ranked among the 100 Italian Photographers in ZOOM Image Bank1995. He has exhibited his works in galleries around the world - "white to white" finalist for the Paratissima 2015. Finalist of the Laguna Art 2016 award, for the installation "War to War", exhibited at the arsenal of Venice, (IT ). He has won numerous photography... |